Professional Certificate in Water and Ground water quality evaluation


In water resources evaluation, the quality of water is of nearly equal importance to quantity. The chemical, physical and bacterial characteristics of water determine its usefulness for municipal, commercial, industrial , agricultural and domestic water supplies. Development provides opportunities for pollution of water and consideration must be given to the protection of quality. The study of water quality involves a description of the occurrence of the various constituents in water and the relation of these constituents to water use. In addition, groundwater quality data give important clues to the geologic history of rocks and indications groundwater recharge, discharge ,movement and storage.

Course Aims

The course aims to enhance the participants’ experience and provide them with practical case studies to support the theoretical part.

Who to attend?

·       Environmental Managers

·       Environmental inspectors

·       Water Treatment Laboratory Personnel

·       Water Engineers

·       Governmental specialist

If you purchase the course, we will email you as soon as possible with the timetable of available classes that you can enter via Zoom.