Professional Diploma in Management of Impacted Teeth

4 CPD 


Course Overview:

This online course is designed for general practitioners , dental students and dental interns who want to enhance their skills and knowledge in management of dental impactions . The course consists of five sessions . Participants will have the opportunity to engage in interactive live demonstrations and learn practical tips and tricks that can be applied to their daily practice.




$ 350



Learning Outcomes:

 1) Diagnose patients with problems related to impacted wisdom teeth.
2) Formulate a treatment plan for patients with impacted wisdom teeth.
3) Assess the risk associated with surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth.
4) Discuss different-conventional and non-conventional- surgical techniques, tips, and
hints of third molar surgery.
5) Perform surgical extraction of soft tissue impacted wisdom teeth.
6) Manage complications associated with surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth.